Fiel study 1

 My sixth day at Magnaga National High School,

It was a tiring day because I don't have proper sleep last night because of making our action research, since our title defense will be this coming Friday. But of course, I need to arrive at school before 7 AM. So, I wake up early and come to school early too. Since it was Tuesday so there is no flag ceremony in the ground. After logging in to my DTR I directly went to my CT's first period subject. While waiting the teacher, I answered my field study 1 book based on my observation. When she's arrived, the students including me greet her. I observed my CT the way she taught to the students. I had really impressed her since the beginning of my observation because she had lots of activity implemented in the classroom which is the students did not feel bored on her subject.

She grouped the students on the picture.

After the GAS section, I followed her in the HUMMS section, the classroom where I feel so hot because of so crowded. 

My CT discussed about research design on that picture, since she was their teacher in practical research.

After the HUMMS section is the ABM. I feel refreshed here, since it was not crowded classroom. My CT let them have a reporting to their assigned topic. I observed that most of them kept reading while reporting.

In the last period, I asked my CT if its ok to her if I will set into another classroom since her last period was modular. Since she agreed so I set into the other classroom, the grade 8 students. 

At exactly 12:00 noon, I sign for log out in my DTR and asked my groupmate to gather in my house so that we can continue making our AR.



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