Field study 1

 My first day in Magnaga National High School was very exciting. I wake up early in the morning and arrived at school 6:30 AM. The class observation started at 9:30 AM because the assistant of the principal disseminates us in our cooperating teacher. My cooperating teacher is Maam Julieta Amor Canizares. She is an English major and teaching senior high school students. She is very nice teacher. In this day, I observed the Grade 12- ABM classroom since my CT was their teacher in practical research. Maam Julieta introduced me to her students nicely, but after a while I was shocked because my CT announced to the students that I am one of their panels in title defense. I can't imagine that on my first day of field study I will be a panel for research defense. But thank God because the title defense was rescheduled for tomorrow because the students did not prepare their PPT since their teacher forget to inform them that they need to  prepare a PPT. Since the last period of my CT was modular so I spend my timt observing the school campus.



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