Field study 1

 You might be wondering why the date is still September 28. Yes, that's right September 28 because after lunch, I went back to my CT's table to ask her where classroom is her first period subject in the afternoon because we have to spend 8 hours in the school today since there was a day that we did not go to school. I think it was September 16. So, in order for us not to come back school next week, so we decided to have whole day observation this day. Because in FS 1 one, we have to complete the required time which is 60 hours. 

This afternoon, it's my first day in another classroom. Since they did not know me already, my CT introduce me to them. They are the GAS section B. The classroom was also crowded like the others. It looks like the space was too small for them. Their population is about 50 plus. Although they have ceiling fan but it's not enough to ventilate the whole classroom. I really feel hot there and my face was sweating. My CT group the students and each group were given a topic on the book. So, she let the students study their topic to present it for tomorrow and they will make also a power point presentation for their report. 

After the first period, my CT told me that she will not going to have a class for second period because she has a meeting, so I asked her that I have to observe another classroom with other teacher. I observed the grade 8 students. 


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