Field study 1

 My second day in Magnaga national High School,
Same as yesterday, I wake up early in the morning and arrived at school before 7o'clock as what sir Asirit and sir Mharfe said. And then our little principal gave us the DTR to let us sign in. After that, I went to the GAS classroom where my CT taught there in the first period. Since the first period will start at 7:30 AM so my CT is not yet around. The students were very respectful. They greet me like how they greet their teacher, and I was very thankful because the way they treat me is just like I'm a teacher although I am there for observation only.

 After the class of my CT in GAS section, she went to another classroom for her second period. It was 8:30-9:30 AM and I followed her so that I can observed another classroom because I need to find a problem of the students that need an intervention for our action research. The more classroom I observed, the more problem i will encountered. It was the HUMMS section. Just like the GAS section, they are also respectful. The population of HUMMS section is almost 70, that is why their classroom is very crowded, but thank God🙏😀 they have enough ceiling fan in the classroom that is why although it was crowded but it's not too hot 🔥😁.

In the third period subject of my CT is the ABM section, and I followed her again. The classroom is look refreshing because it is not crowded like the GAS and HUMMS section because their populaton is just only 23 students. Same with the other section, they are also respectful. This is the class where my CT announced yesterday that they are going to have a title defense and I am one of the panelists. My God! its really true. I am one of their panels. It was so nervous but thank God, it was end successfully. And i was very thankful to my CT that she gave me an opportunity to become a panelist for the research defense.

The last period was modular so I apend my time answering my FS 1 book. And we log out to our DTR at exactly 12o'clock.


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