Field study 1

My third day in Magnaga National High School,

Its Wednesday, so it was wash day! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ. WAS day it means we are not going to wear our school uniform๐Ÿ˜ƒ. We can wear our OOTD of the day๐Ÿ˜…. No, I'm just kidding, of course we are going to wear a formal attire since we will be a future educator someday and we are entering in the school. so of course, I wear my formal dress in this day. As usual, I arrived at school before 7o'clock and log in my DTR. After that I directly went to my first period classroom where I observed. My CT is arrived 7:40 in the classroom. While my CT is discussing, I observed how the students interact with her and how the teacher deal with them. despite of so many students in the classroom, the students can really participate because she kept on doing oral recitation and she really called their names.

Same with yesterday, I followed her in HUMMS classroom, but she said that she will not going to have a class since it was RD for the HUMMS section and the ABM. RD means research day. The teacher will give time to the students to make their practical research. So, I asked my CT if its ok if I go outside the classroom and observe the school campus and she allowed me.

I find the bulletin board first because it was included to the FS 1 book that we are going to observe. After that I went to the school clinic then to the counseling room and last the library.

After observing, I answered my FS1 book and also constructing title for our action research. 


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