Field study 1

 MY seventh day of my field study 1,

I feel sick this morning when I wake up, I really want to still lay on my bed, but I have to get up and prepare foods for my son and for me so that we can come to school early. As usual, I arrived at school before 7 and log in to my DTR. After that, I went to the GAS classroom. While entering the classroom, the students greet me "Good morning, Ma'am" like they greet me as their real teacher, and it really touches my heart. 

As usual, After the class in GAS section, I followed my CT to the crowded classroom😫😫, the HUMMS strand and observed there. My CT discussed them about research and gave an oral recitation after the discussion.

In the third period, I followed her in the ABM section and observed again. Same with the HUMMS section, my CT discussed and have an oral recitation after. 

In the last period, Same with yesterday, I set in in another classroom to observed other teacher the way they teach and also the classroom and the students. When the bell rang, I came to my Ct to let sign my DTR. 


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