Field study 1

It's tenth day of my observation,

You might be wondering why I wasn't come to school yesterday for my FS1. I was sick and I can't be able to go to school because I was suffering from headache and muscle pain, that is why I asked to our little principal that I can't come to school, and she told me to bring excuse letter today. Until now I'm still sick. I have a cold and cough but thanks God because the headache and muscle pain was gone, so although I have cough and cold, but I need to come early at school. 

I log in before 7 AM, and directly went to the classroom. Since my CT is not still arrived, I open my FS 1 book and write my observation. When my CT arrived, I greeted her and also the students. She started her discussion, and I was just setting at the back while observing her teaching strategies and also how the students interact with her. After her class in GAS section, she told me that I am one of the panelists for the title defense of the HUMMS section and the cookery. Although I am not feeling well but I should have to say "yes Maam". It's my great pleasure that I experienced being a panel for title defense. It was so excited to hear the presentation of the students for their study. I observed that most of them feel the way I feel when my title defense happened. They feel nervous.

There are many groups of students who defended their title that is why it's almost 12o'clock that we finished the title defense.


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