Field study 1

 It's Day eleven of my observation,

I'm so excited this day because 3 days to go, I will finish my FS 1. And I feel motivated to wake up early despite of having sickness last Monday. I came to school early because my CT said yesterday that there are still students who will defend their title in practical research, and I am one of the panelists.  

At 8 AM the defense was started. There are 5 groups that will defend their title. It was the HUMMS section. But after a while the agriculture students arrived together with their adviser because they are going to defend also their title in AR. So, there are 10 groups who will defend their title. But you know what I feel that I am not deserved to be one of the panels because last week our Action research was pending. But actually, Practical research and Action research are different because in AR, the researchers will give an intervention to the problem. But still thankful to my Cooperating teacher because she let me experience being a panelist in research defense although I am still a student. I spend my 4 hours as a panelist that is why I did not observe a class discussion. The defense end at 11: AM. So, my CT decided that she will not having a class because its already lunch time. But since I still have one hour, because we will log out at 12 noon, I visited the student which is our participant in action research because she's not belonged to the classroom I observe. She is a grade 8 students where my partner in Action research observed her performance in the classroom. After that I log out to my DTR and also to the office.


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