Field study 1

So tired this day because I was spend whole day yesterday in the school, and this day I spend also 8 hours to observed because as you remember there was a day when I did not go to school, it was on Monday because I was sick that time, so I have to cope up those times so that I will complete the 60 hours with this week only because I don't want to come back next week since the other FS students will end their observation tomorrow. And I want to finish also my FS 1 by tomorrow. 
As usual, even though I feel tired but still arrived school before 7 AM, Since it was one of the rules of our program head. After I log in to my DTR and to the office, I went to the classroom where I observed. I've seen the students cleaning their classroom. And they greeted me as I entered inside. Since my CT is not yet arrived, I answered my FS 1 book because I need to finished answering the whole books by next week and pass it to our program head. After a while, I told the students to do their daily routine every morning, it was the flag ceremony inside the classroom. Because my CT said that before she enter the classroom, the flag ceremony laready done.
When my CT arrived, she started her class by presenting a video on the screen and made assessment after.
After the GAS-A class, I followed her to the HUMMS section. I greeted to their adviser and I setted on the back to observed.
After the HUMMS section, I followed her again to the ABM section and started to observed the class. When the class finished, I asked my CT nicely if she can sign the whole FS 1 book if she's free. And thank GOD she replied yes nicely. I was really nervous asking her about that because there are so many pages in the book that she need to sign. I thought she will get mad but she's not. Infact she told me that she will really sign the whole book by this time and tomorrow because she don't want me to come back next week just for her signature. She want me to focus answering my book. She's really a nice teacher. I am thankful that she was my cooperating teacher.After signing my book, I let her sign also my DTR.


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Field study 1, daily journal