Field study 1

My nineth day in my FS 1,

I'm so excited this day with having mix of nervous. Excited because its Friday 😁 and tomorrow is Saturday. So that means, we don't need to go to school tomorrow, and I can visit my children there in my mother because I really miss them. They gave me strength to wake up early this day and go to school early too. Nervous because it's our title defense for our Action research.

As usual, I arrived at school early and log in, then went to my 1st period class observation. On this day my CT did not have her regular class in the GAS section, instead she let the students play with traditional game like Takyan, chinese garter, and jackstone. I am their scorer in every game. I saw the students having a lot of fun and I was really impressed with my Ct because she was not just having class discussion always, she gave the children a chance to enjoy themselves.

After the GAS section, My CT asked me to go in the HUMMS class and told them to just make their research title because she has a meeting. And also, she asked me to check the quizzes of the HUMMS students. While checking their quizzes, I observed that some of them did not focus their title on PR, they are just talking with their groupmates with nonsense topic. After checking their quizzes, I went back to my CT's table and place the paper.

After our observation, my group prepare for our title defense, and it was sad because our AR is pending.


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