Field Study 2

 Hi, I'm back !!!

It's time for our field study 2. It's more on assisting and participation in the class.

This is my first day in field study 2. Actually our first day was yesterday but I did not came to school at Magnaga National High School where I am assigned because I thought it  was still holiday because its Nov. 2. 

I was so excited in my first day because I really miss acting like a real teacher,,char🤣. 
My cooperating teacher is same with field study 1. It's Dr. Julieta Amor Canizares again. 
I was arrived at school before 7:00 AM and directly went to the first period class of my CT, the GAS 11-A. The students greet me with full of respect. When my CT came, I greeted her and she smiles at me and said "welcome back" and offer her hand to me for shake hands. I feel so happy because I think she really like me as her ST.

My CT said that there is a mass that will held in the school gym so all of the students and teachers are required to attend that mass except the non catholic, but there is also a spiritual gathering for the non Catholic. So since my CT is not a Catholic so she did not come to the mass.

After the mass. I came back to my CT's classroom, And she asked me to check the test papers of the three sections class. While checking the test papers of the students, all of them were busy preparing foods. So I asked one of the students why they are preparing so many foods. According to the student, they will have a budle fight. I don't know what's the occasion but maybe it's part of the teacher's strategy to let the student experience that kind of moment where they were sharing foods with their classmates and how they are going to behave. And also to build a good relationships with their classmates. And they invite me to join the budle fight and of course it's my pleasure to join them.🤣🤣.


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