Field study 2

 Oh my God!!!, It's my last day here in Magnaga in field study 2.

It's combination of sadness,happiness and excitement that I felt in this day. Sad because I'm gonna miss my students and my CT. Happiness because I was survived my field study 1and 2 despite of so many circumstances. There were times that I really want to quit. First reason is the financial, second is managing my time because I have a son that need to taking care of and there were so many times in this month that he got sick, that is why sometimes I don't know what to do or what I should do first. It was really struggled for me as a mother and a student too. Excitement also because finally I can visit my daughter and son in my mom's house. I really miss them so much 😢.

Since this was my last day, my CT told me that I will just have a bonding with the students. So I am the one who went to the classrooms and just checking attendance and after that talked to the students like a friend. They asked me so many questions, about my study in college, being a mother also about my family . I was really enjoy my last day in this school. I am so thankful to the students and to my CT. To express my thank to my CT, I ordered a foods for her and told her "thank you ma'am for the knowledge and strategies that you teach me as a future teacher"


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