My field study 2

 Its 12th day of my field study 2, 

Yeheyyy 3 days to go i will finished my duty.

I was so enjoy this day because of an exciting activity that we had in class. The students have their rap contest in the classroom. In each group there is a representative to perform the rap song infront of the class. The grades of the participants will be the grades of the group. It's just same with the story telling. As usual, I am again the one who will rate their performance. This is different from story telling because the students really did their best while performing. That is why, I was so amazed them and enjoy while rating them. I am not expecting that those shy students really perform infront of the class. I am so amazed with my CT because she has a lots of strategy and activity that can let all the students participate in class.

After the rap contest in GAS 11-A. My CT told the other classrooms which she has a subject in oral com to come in GAS classroom to perform also their task which is the rap song. So there are 4 class that perform on this day. The GAS 11-A, The ABM, the GAS 11-B and the HUMMS 11. The contest end at 11:30 AM. I was so inspired and enjoy while watching and rating the performers.


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