My field study 2

 Its my 10th day in Magnaga National High School for my field study 2.

It was so tired but worth it because I was already closed to the students and they really treat me and respect me as a teacher, and I am so thankful that I meet a students like them.

In this day, they have other activity. It was the story telling. In each group there is a representative to be a story teller. The score of the story teller will be the score of the group. Same with the reporting, I was the one who rate again the story teller. 

As I observed them. They don't have enough preparation for their story telling. Maybe because they're just thinking that it was just easy because they were just read the story. That is why when they perform infront, they were just reading. I observed that there was no feeling or connection from the reader to the story. Kumbaga walang kabuhay Buhay. Only one story teller that I was impressed. It was the group 1. I Iike the way she told the story because she really felt the story and also the way she delivered was really convincing to the listener. That is why the group 1 had the higher score. 


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