Its 5th day of my internship, 

It's Monday, 1st day of the week. I started my day with positivity. I came to school early and logged in before 7 AM. 

After logging in, I came directly to my original CT, since the district meet was over, so those teachers who coaches the game were back to normal class.

Thank God 🙏, because my CT has 2 classes only in a regular class. Her other classes are in SPJ or Special Program in Journalism. Since our cooperating teacher has two interns which is me and Ms. Eden Retiza, therefore we've been assigned one class session for each of us. I assigned Grade 8 section Emerald and Ms. Eden to Grade 8 section Diamond.

It's not my 1st time in Section Emerald because last week I taught a Science subject in this section.

I checked their attendance and after that, we have an activity.


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