Yeheyy, it's the 43rd of my internship journey. In three days more I will complete my internship period, which is why I made my class memorable.  I make sure that all the students will participate in my class and feel free to express their opinion and idea. 

On this day,  I did not open another topic to my students.  I let them practice for tomorrow's activity. Last Monday I assigned them to have a debate that will be held tomorrow. This activity is related to our topic in Grammatical signals in Claim and Counterclaim patterns of idea development.  I told them that everybody in the group will speak during the arguments because I believed that through this activity,  they will develop their speaking skills,  and also let them understand the claim and counterclaim pattern of idea development. 

After their practice,  some of them took my phone and asked me to have a selfie with them which make me happy because I feel that they like me as their English teacher. Even though they are very naughty and noisy, they respect me as a real teacher. 

After my class in Emerald,  I go back to our quarter and do the other paper works.  At 4:30 we logged out and go back to our home. 


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