It's Wednesday, the 37th day of my internship. 

As usual,  I came early and logged in at the office.  After logging in,  I went to our quarter in Sir Jason's classroom because my quarter in SPJ is close and I don't like to stay there because it's too hot. 

At 9:30 AM, Ma'am Else called us to go to her classroom for a meeting.  She discussed how to make TQS and TOS. I thought making a test questionnaire is just easy but as I've learned from this meeting, there are things that you need to consider in making TQS like the taxonomy of learning. 

After the meeting, we take pictures together with Ma'am Else and my co-interns. 

In the afternoon, during my class in Grade 8 Emerald,  the students very much enjoyed the activity that I employed. 

At 4:30 PM,  I logged out and go home. 


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