It's Monday, the first day of this working week. 

I feel nervous this day because teachers from KNP including our program head Sir Mharfe Micaroz observed us in the classroom and I am not prepared because I spend my weekend bonded with my children. I did not make my instructional materials and lesson plan. I just prepared all the things that I needed in class this morning. But thank God because even though I am not prepared but I did it well. I implemented my lesson plan well. Also, most of my students participated in my class and they are behaving. But the thing that makes me disappointed is my materials because it was just very simple. I did not even put a design. 

After the observation, all the interns gathered at the HE together with the teachers from KNP who observed us for the general comment on our performance. 

After the meeting,  we do picture taking with them. 

At 4:30, I logged out and go back to my house. 


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