
Showing posts from March, 2023


 Its Wednesday, I felt so worried on this day because yesterday we had an appointment with the doctor for my son's check-up and I did not yet get the result of his x-ray so tomorrow I need to have an excuse letter to be absent again because I will get his x-ray result and submit to the doctor to check if there's a problem of his gums and teeth. Since there is no class on this day, I made all my paper works like the lesson plan, answering the internship book, and also checking the written works of my student last week.


It's Monday and it's the 19th day of my internship journey.  On this day, there are no students in school because there are players and teachers from Nabunturan Davao de Oro who will stay in the school as their quarters. The provincial meet will be started this week and to be held at Pantukan National High School. Although there are no classes the students undergo modularly and we, the interns are still required to be present at school. Therefore, I came to school early and logged in. Since we don't have students to handle this day, we stayed in one classroom with my co-interns.


 It's Friday,  I'm so thankful because it's the end of the week of working days. Finally, I can visit my children at my parent's house. I miss them so much. This day, we don't have class because next week other students from Nabunturan will stay here in Magnaga National High School for the provincial meet. Therefore, all the students were ordered to clean all the classrooms and surroundings.


 It's Thursday, it's very hot day, I really felt the summer. It was so hot. In this day, I let my students played about elements of the story game so that all of them will have an interaction in my class.


 It's Wednesday, and it's women's day,  All the teachers and students are incourage to wear purple 💜🟣 or violet to as to celebrate women empowerment.  So after logged in, we all gathered in flag pole for pictorial of all interns wearing purple. After taking pictures, we went directly to our table in SPJ 8 with my co- intern Ma'am Eden Riteza. In our table, I prepared the lesson that I am going to teach the grade 8 Emerald in the afternoon. During my class, we have an activity regarding the elements of the story. I distributed a printed copies of Hindu mythology titled Lord Krishna. I let them read the story and they identified the elements including characters,settings,plot,conflict,point of view and theme. I let them work by pair. I was happy checking their output because I can say that my teaching strategy was effective. After my class, I went back to my table and gave points to their output. At 4:30, we logged out and came home with my son who was waiting me outsid


 It's Tuesday, and it's 15th day of my internship journey. As usual, I came to school early and logged in.  I felt a little bit sad today because we demolished in SPJ office 😁😁,,hahaha. It's funny to heard the word demolished.  Since the SPJ students have their training in the office, we need to transfer another quarter, and I am thankful to our CT because she offered her table in her advisory classroom ( SPJ 8). It's very comfortable because the table was big. It's very comfortable work place.  I instructed the SPJ students to clean their classroom.


 It's Monday but it looks like Friday 😃, because I feel tired this day. I really don't want to go to school because I am not feeling well. I have a toothache and headache. But I need to come here. Even though I am not feeling well but still I came to school early. I logged in at 7:00 AM. After logged in. I went to SPJ 8 in the second floor ( advisory of Maam Jhur Aiza Anudin) for the classroom management. During my class in Grade 8 Emerald, we had a long quiz, since we did not made the long quiz last Friday because the class was half day only. That is why, I continued my long quiz this afternoon. It's all about literature, literary types, and elements of the story.


 It's friday and I was so very happy because we passed the final defense of our action research. Finally, Action research was done 😃. That is why I came to school now with having positive vibes. Since, my co- intern ma'am Eden was not arrived today, I was the one who facilitated her students in Grade 8 section Diamond. There was an announcement that there's no class in the afternoon, therefore the students class were only half day because the teachers have a meeting but we are not included in half day duty because we need to log out by 4:30 and we have a meeting also with our little principal.


It's Thursday and a very tiring day,😢 because I don't have enough sleep last night because it's our final defense this 7 PM. So  I was working our papers in chapter 3 and 4, since I am the leader of the group. I really don't want to come here in school, but it's needed. After logging in at the office, I came to SPJ 8 where my CT is their Adviser. I checked the classroom if the cleaners do their responsibilities. After checking the classroom, I went to SPJ office, on the first floor of the building because I a am still working our action research. 


 It's Wednesday and thanks God because the weather this day is so nice, not just like yesterday. So, I arrived school early and log in at the office. After log in, I came to SPJ 8 classroom to remind the assigned cleaners for their responsibility during morning because my CT was busy.


 It's a rainy Tuesday, I really don't want to go to school but it's needed 🥺. This is the first time that I came to school late because of the bad weather, and also we're waiting if there is a declaration of suspension of class. After logging in, I went to the SPJ office ( our quarter). Since, Pantukan was affected of the successive earthquake, there is a tentative announcement that there will be a modular happened in a class. So the school need to distribute the modules to the student.   It was really a tiring day. My arms and legs really felt pain because of carrying so many modules and arranging it.


It's Monday, back to school after one week of suspension due to successive earthquake happened here in Davao de Oro. As usual, I came to school early and log in at the office. After log in, I went to journalism office where we stayed most of our time here in school. We do all our works here, like answering our intern book, making lesson plan, making our action research and etc. Since, I was assigned in one section only and it's afternoon, so I have more time to do my other works.  During my class in Emerald section, I followed my lesson plan during class. Start with a prayer, checking of attendance, having an activity, then proceed to the discussion of the topic. 


 It's 9th day of my internship Grade 8 Emerald is about determining various social,. ,    ,   moral, and economic issues. This is the 3rd module in 3rd quarter.  I felt sad this day because before I started the lesson,  I impose 10 items Fu spelling,  and I was shocked the result because most of them even simple words they don't know how to spell it correctly.  Example of those words are "Abortion",  when I asked them to explain what issue students need attention to because they don't know how to spell correctly even simple words. Also, they can't understand simple English terms. I need to think of many activities that can let them understand the topic. Also, I felt worried about their behavior because they were very noisy during class. I think I need to implement classroom rules.