
Showing posts from February, 2023


 Its 8th days of my internship journey, As usual, I came to school before 7 AM and log in to the office. After that, I went to the SPJ office because it was  our quarter. My class is 2:30 - 3:30 PM, so for now it's my vacant time, but actually it's not really a vacant time because i have lots of work to. I have to answer my internship book because our LP will check this on Friday. Also, I have to prepare another lesson plan, since this is our last day to finish our topic. Oh my!! I just received a text from Ms. Eden that she's not around today because she got sick and she asked me to take over her class in section Diamond today. I just checked their attendance and impose an activity. 


  It's Tuesday, this is my second day of teaching English in section Emerald. I am very thankful that finally I am back to my CT because my class is not fully loaded now. Only in one section I am teaching so, I have enough time to do my paper works like making lesson plans, answering my internship book, making visual aid for my class, and making my blog, and also I have time to read my review materials.


  Its 5th day of my internship,  It's Monday, 1st day of the week. I started my day with positivity. I came to school early and logged in before 7 AM.  After logging in, I came directly to my original CT, since the district meet was over, so those teachers who coaches the game were back to normal class. Thank God 🙏, because my CT has 2 classes only in a regular class. Her other classes are in SPJ or Special Program in Journalism. Since our cooperating teacher has two interns which is me and Ms. Eden Retiza, therefore we've been assigned one class session for each of us. I assigned Grade 8 section Emerald and Ms. Eden to Grade 8 section Diamond. It's not my 1st time in Section Emerald because last week I taught a Science subject in this section. I checked their attendance and after that, we have an activity.


  It's Thursday, and it's so tiring day. My God!!!, It's 4th day of my internship but I'm so tired already. But I need to finished this.  These are the things that I have done this day in my class.


  It's Wednesday, 3rd day of my internship journey. Today there's a short program in school about honoring the boys scout and girls scout. So, We all required to join the program. After the short program, all the students and teachers instructed to go back to our respective classroom. I went to my 3rd period subject in section Emerald since it's already 9:30 AM. I give them a group activity related to our topic about "matter".  In the afternoon,  I continued my topic about volcanoes in Grade 9 students.  I logged out at 4:30 PM and go back to my house. 


  It's the second day of my internship journey. I came to school before 7 AM. My 1st-period class is at 7:30, it's the Grade 9 mercury. As I said yesterday that my subject this week is Science 8 and 9. My topic in Grade 9 is volcanoes.   On this day I discussed the types of volcanoes first. Since this is my first time teaching in a real classroom,  I feel nervous.  I don't know how to deal with the different types of learners but I was amazed by the students because they are participative. They respect me as a real teacher. I observed that some of the students are not listening, specially those students setting at the back which is why I did not stay in one place.  I room around in the classroom. After my first period,  I directly went to my next class.  My topic in Science 8 is about matter or phases of matter.  It's so challenging for me to teach science.  You have to impose interactive activities so that the students can relate to and understand the topic. It was a v


  Hi  guys, I'm back !!!! It's the first day of my internship journey, I am so excited because at this time we are going to teach the students in Magnaga National High School and its face-to-face class. We are going to act as real teachers 😁. Same with my Fs1 and Fs2, I am still assigned here at Magnaga National High School. So, while waiting for our program head to endorse us in this school, we do picture taking with the math major and TLE major. When Ma'am Jo and Sir Mharfe arrived, they talked to the assistant of the principal to formally introduced us. After that, Ma'am Jo gave us a little advice about what we needed to do or how to properly act as a teacher. Then after a while, Sir Amor assigned us to our cooperating teacher. My CT is Ma'am Jhur Aiza Anudin, she is an English major teaching SPJ class and regular students from Grade 8. Since most of the teachers are busy because of the upcoming district meet, some of them borrowed an intern to take over their c