
Showing posts from April, 2023


 It's Friday, and I start my day full of strength and energy😅. Yeah!! because there will be a long weekend because on Monday, May 1 is labor day so it means we will not go to school, so I have three days rest. 😂 I came to school early this morning and logged in. After that, I went to my table in SPJ 8 and told the students to clean their classroom and throw their garbage.  It's so nice to stay in a classroom clean.  It is refreshing. I don't like to stay in a place that is not clean and well-arranged. 


 Its Thursday,  I came to school early and logged in to the office. After logging in,  I went to SPJ 8 classroom where my table there. I requested the assigned cleaners for today to clean the classroom.   In the morning,  I made my lesson plan for my class in the afternoon because I can't make my paper works in my house during the night time. After all, we don't have current.  I just used solar light, which is why it's hard for me to make lesson plans and other paper works in my house. Also,  I made the instruction materials for my class.  After lunch,  I slept for a while because I feel sleepy. At 1:30 I went to my class in Emerald.  In this picture, I asked my students to help me paste my instructional materials. After that, I started my class with a daily routine such as praying, greetings, checking attendance and reviewing the previous lesson. After the daily routine followed the motivational activity,  then proper discussion of the lesson and application.  At 2:30 PM I


 It's Wednesday and it's the 33rd day of my internship journey. I am thankful because my fever was gone and I feel good. On this day before my class in Emerald, I continue finalizing my class record. It's so sad because some of the students have many absences


 It's Tuesday and it's the 32nd day of my internship journey.   I think you wonder why I did not start my week on Monday. Yeah! Just because I was absent yesterday. I had a fever and until now I am not feeling well, but I need to go to school because I don't want to be absent for how many days.  On this day, I let my students check on their test papers and I was so sad because many of them got a low score.  After checking their exams, I went back to my table in SPJ 8. In my table, I recorded all their outputs in my class record including their quizzes, long quiz, and performance.  At 4:30 PM I logged out and came home. 


 Its Thursday,  I woke up early this morning to prepare my things for the PAFTE seminar tomorrow and I came to school early. This day is the third quarter exam for the students in Magnaga National High School. After logging in, we went directly to our CT if they need help, and yeah they need our help because one of the teachers in SPJ was not around, therefore I and maam Eden will be the ones to look at the students in SPJ who took the exam. Their first subject to take was English followed by Advance English. They have two subjects only that need to take in the morning. In the afternoon, they take exams in Filipino and Mapeh. While watching the students, I recorded the scores of my students on their quizzes in my class record.  The students finished their exams at exactly 3:30 PM. I collected their papers and gave it to Maam Chang. I logged out at 4:35 PM.


 It's Wednesday  On this day, I did not go to the SPJ classroom because we print our booklet for the Tutte on the upcoming community extension. Since the launching of the project SET is coming, we have to finish our booklet because after launching we're going to begin tutoring the IPs student. In the afternoon, during my class in Grade 8 Emerald, I continued my topic about cohesive devices because it's included in the exam this coming Thursday, but today is all about subordinating conjunction. After my class, I went back to the quarter of Maam Pagara to continue making the booklet. I logged out at 4:35 PM and came back to my house.


 It's Tuesday and the weather was too warm. I feel it because even though I take a bath early but still I'm sweating when I arrived at school early in the morning. After logging in, I went to my table in the SPJ classroom to finalize the test questionnaire and the TOS for the third-quarter exam together with my co-intern Maam Eden Retiza.  After finalizing the TOS and TQ, we went to our CT Maam Jhur Aiza so that she can check the TOS and TQ that we made.  Ma'am Jhur Aiza doesn't have corrections on our works but she suggested we put rubrics for the essay, so we fix it quickly. During my class in the afternoon, I just have a review of all the topics in the third quarter for their exams. I logged out at 4:30 PM and came back home.


 It's Monday, back to school again. As usual, I came to school early and logged in before 7:30. After logging in, I went to SPJ 8 where my tables were found. I told the assigned cleaners for today to clean their classroom. After cleaning, I told the students to seat and prepare for their first subject which was Maam Anudin in English 8. At my table, I made my lesson plan for my class in the afternoon. My topic for today was about coordinating conjunction.  In the afternoon, in my class, I have an activity for my students related to our topic. After my class, I went back to my table and checked their paper in quizzes. I logged out at 4:30 PM.


 It's Friday, the last day of class this week. I felt so very tired. I don't have much sleep last night because I started to make a TQ for the 3rd quarter exam. That's why I came to school with an eye bug 😬.  This day, I have another load of subjects because the SPJ teachers were having a seminar, and we will the ones to handle all the regular classes of the other SPJ teachers. 9:30-10:30 my class in Grade 7 Sampaguita under Maam Joan's subject.


It's Thursday, I felt a little bit excited on this day because finally, I wear my uniform in an internship. After how many weeks of waiting, our uniform finally arrived. This day was the first time I wear my uniform.  I


 It's Wednesday, 


After long holidays, now we finally get back to school. It's Tuesday and it was the first day of class this week because yesterday was a special holiday. I came to school early and logged in, then I went directly to SPJ 8 (my table).   I was not feeling good this day because I have a fever, I don't want to come to school but it's needed to come because my CT was busy, and no one will handle the regular class. During my class in Grade 8 Emerald, I just gave them an activity. After logging out, we came to Sir Daquio's funeral and brought a flower.


 It's Wednesday, and we have half day of class because tomorrow is the start of the holidays for the holy week. Since my class is afternoon. I spend my time making lesson plan for next week and answering my internship book and also I checked the grammar of our Action Resesrch.


 It's Tuesday, and I started my day full of positivity. After logging in, we came to the gym for cleaning and taking off the decoration from the research congress yesterday.


It's Monday, 1st day of the holy week. There is no class in junior high until Wednesday because they continued their modular. But we, the interns need to come here to school for paper works. I also gave them an activity through our GC in Messenger.