

 Finally,  I completed my 360 hours of internship.  I feel sad because this day May 16 is my last day teaching in a real classroom. I feel sad because I'm gonna miss my students. Although we've been meeting for almost 3 months only I can say that we build a good relationship as a teacher to my students. At the same time, I am happy also because despite the hindrances and trials in my internship, I was done it successfully and finally, I am here at the end of this journey.  Since this is my last day teaching them,  I made my class enjoyable ang memorable. I imposed classroom games and activities.  After my class in Emerald,  I checked all the quizzes and other written works of my students and input their scores in my class record because after our culmination I will give it to Maam Jhur Aiza Anudin (my CT).  I logged out at 4:30 PM and go back to my house. 


 It's Friday and the 44th day of my internship.  On this day,  I begin my day with a fresh and peaceful mind. Since it's Friday,  we will travel tomorrow to my parent's house to visit my children.  I miss them 😥. "Be patient", I'm almost done with the internship. I'm so thankful that I survived the internship despite those hindrances and trials. Also, I feel sad because I'm gonna miss my students.  I admit that during my class, sometimes I felt irritated because they were very noisy.  Some of them were not listening to my discussion.  Others were sleeping.  But after 4 months of being with them,  I was already close to my students.  This morning, we do picture-taking with Sir Jason,  the cooperating teacher of Maam Hannah and Maam Romelyn (my co-interns). We stayed at Sir Jason's office during our vacant time. We can consider his classroom as our quarter of English major.  During my class in Grade 8 Emerald, they performed the activity that I had


 Yeheyy, it's the 43rd of my internship journey. In three days more I will complete my internship period, which is why I made my class memorable.  I make sure that all the students will participate in my class and feel free to express their opinion and idea.  On this day,  I did not open another topic to my students.  I let them practice for tomorrow's activity. Last Monday I assigned them to have a debate that will be held tomorrow. This activity is related to our topic in Grammatical signals in Claim and Counterclaim patterns of idea development.  I told them that everybody in the group will speak during the arguments because I believed that through this activity,  they will develop their speaking skills,  and also let them understand the claim and counterclaim pattern of idea development.  After their practice,  some of them took my phone and asked me to have a selfie with them which make me happy because I feel that they like me as their English teacher. Even though they ar


 It's Wednesday and the 42nd day of my internship.  On this day, I am not feeling well because it seems like I'm having a fever, but still I came to school early because I have a class in Emerald and SPJ. After logging in, I went to my table in SPJ 8 classroom and prepared my IMs for my first subject class in SPJ but Maam Eden said that she will be the one to facilitate and discussed the topic with the SPJ since I have a fever and I am thankful for that because I am not feeling well. The topic that we are going to tackle on this day is the continuation of the topic yesterday. It's the other pattern of idea development. Since Ma'am Eden is the one who teaches the SPJ,  I rested on my table.  In the afternoon, during my class in Grade 8 Emerald,  I feel good because I had already taken my medicine.  As usual,  I begin my class with a prayer, followed by greeting,  checking their attendance,  review and motivational activity. My motivational activity is arranging the jumbl


 It's Tuesday, the 41st day of my internship journey,  On this day, I felt relaxed and not pressured because the final observation has been done. But I have an early class on SPJ. Since my CT was busy with the upcoming DSPC. They have trained with the other students who are included in that event. So, Ma'am Eden and I will be the ones to take over her class in SPJ 8. The topic that I've discussed in SPJ was all about grammatical signals used in General to a particular pattern of idea development. I was quite happy teaching in SPJ because they are more participative than the regular class.  After lunch,  at 1:30 - 2:30 PM, I had class in Grade 8 Emerald. On this day, I did not open a new topic for them. I just group them for a debate. It was related to our topic yesterday which was the claim and counterclaim pattern of idea development. 


 It's Monday, the first day of this working week.  I feel nervous this day because teachers from KNP including our program head Sir Mharfe Micaroz observed us in the classroom and I am not prepared because I spend my weekend bonded with my children. I did not make my instructional materials and lesson plan. I just prepared all the things that I needed in class this morning. But thank God because even though I am not prepared but I did it well. I implemented my lesson plan well. Also, most of my students participated in my class and they are behaving. But the thing that makes me disappointed is my materials because it was just very simple. I did not even put a design.  After the observation, all the interns gathered at the HE together with the teachers from KNP who observed us for the general comment on our performance.  After the meeting,  we do picture taking with them.  At 4:30, I logged out and go back to my house. 


 It's Friday, the last working day of this week. As usual, I came to school early and logged in. After that,  I went directly to Sir Jason's classroom. I did not go to the SPJ classroom because they don't have class today. After all, it's their preparation for the DSPC competition.  On this day, I am busy with my paper works like answering my internship book and making lesson plans for the next topics.