
Showing posts from November, 2022

Field study 2

 Oh my God!!!, It's my last day here in Magnaga in field study 2. It's combination of sadness,happiness and excitement that I felt in this day. Sad because I'm gonna miss my students and my CT. Happiness because I was survived my field study 1and 2 despite of so many circumstances. There were times that I really want to quit. First reason is the financial, second is managing my time because I have a son that need to taking care of and there were so many times in this month that he got sick, that is why sometimes I don't know what to do or what I should do first. It was really struggled for me as a mother and a student too. Excitement also because finally I can visit my daughter and son in my mom's house. I really miss them so much šŸ˜¢. Since this was my last day, my CT told me that I will just have a bonding with the students. So I am the one who went to the classrooms and just checking attendance and after that talked to the students like a friend. They asked me so

My field study 2

 14th day of my field study 2, In this day, My CT don't have class to her students. She was just awarding the top 3 of the rap contest yesterday and have a pictures infront of the class with me together with the top 3 groups. After the awarding, I told the students that this was my last day here in Magnaga since I am going to duty whole day so I will not come back tomorrow. I was already closed to the students that is why, I'm gonna miss them. They said that they will miss me too, and I'm so happy to hear that words from them. I think I really did my job well as a student teacher. My CT also felt sad when I said it's my last day. 

My field study 2

 Its 13th day of my field study 2 at Magnaga National high School,

My field study 2

 Its 12th day of my field study 2,  Yeheyyy 3 days to go i will finished my duty. I was so enjoy this day because of an exciting activity that we had in class. The students have their rap contest in the classroom. In each group there is a representative to perform the rap song infront of the class. The grades of the participants will be the grades of the group. It's just same with the story telling. As usual, I am again the one who will rate their performance. This is different from story telling because the students really did their best while performing. That is why, I was so amazed them and enjoy while rating them. I am not expecting that those shy students really perform infront of the class. I am so amazed with my CT because she has a lots of strategy and activity that can let all the students participate in class. After the rap contest in GAS 11-A. My CT told the other classrooms which she has a subject in oral com to come in GAS classroom to perform also their task which is

My field study 2

Same as yesterday, we have whole day duty again this day.  So after my lunch, I came back to my CT's classroom. In this afternoon, I did not go with my CT in her class because she let me check the works of the students. It's about making a comics. After checking their works my CT told me that she won't have class because it's their research time. So she told me to rest in her table . I log out at 4:45 PM.

My field study 2

 Its my 10th day in Magnaga National High School for my field study 2. It was so tired but worth it because I was already closed to the students and they really treat me and respect me as a teacher, and I am so thankful that I meet a students like them. In this day, they have other activity. It was the story telling. In each group there is a representative to be a story teller. The score of the story teller will be the score of the group. Same with the reporting, I was the one who rate again the story teller.  As I observed them. They don't have enough preparation for their story telling. Maybe because they're just thinking that it was just easy because they were just read the story. That is why when they perform infront, they were just reading. I observed that there was no feeling or connection from the reader to the story. Kumbaga walang kabuhay Buhay. Only one story teller that I was impressed. It was the group 1. I Iike the way she told the story because she really felt the

My field study 2

 Its the same day, Since we have whole day duty in this day. I log in at 12:30 AM,since the first subject of my CT was started at 12:40. It was the GAS 11-B. Her subject there is oral communication. Same with GAS 11-A in the morning, they have also a reporting. Just like what I have done this morning. I am the one who rate the reporters and discussed them for a while. Gave them a quiz after. After the GAS 11-B, we went to ABM 11. Their population is different form GAS B because they are just little compared to GAS B , that is why the students look like fresh and also the classroom , unlike to the crowded classroom. Since the subject of my CT in ABM is also oral com., So same with what I have done in GAS B , I also done those works in ABM. I log out at 4:40 PM

My field study 2

 Its my 8th day here in Magnaga National High School, Since we are busy in KNP because last week was our proposal defense in AR and also pictorial for our upcoming graduation. So we need to have a whole day duty so that we will finished the 15 days as soon as possible. This day, the students in Grade 11 GAS A continue their reporting in oral communication. Their topic was all about Principles in Speech delivery. I am the one who rate the reporters individually and also as a group. After their reporting I also discussed for a while regarding the topic. After my discussion, I have a short quiz for them. My CT just watch us at the back because she was busy encoding the grades of the students. After the GAS 11-A , I followed my CT in HUMMS 12 section. She was just instructing the students to conduct their research since it was already their time to conduct their study.

My field study 2

 Its 7th day of my field study 2, This day, I don't have work in my CT's class because they have a small party of their classroom . My CT let have them a "budol fight". I was surprised because I am included on that event. I don't want to join them eating because I ashamed but my CT kept on inviting me that is why I already joined them. It was so good because this is the first time that I experienced a budol fight. After the event my CT asked me to check the other classroom where she has a subject there. I was just checked their attendance. And after that, I log out to the office and let my CT sign my DTR as my attendance.

Field study 2

 It's Monday!!! And it's 6th day here in Magnaga National High School for my FS 2, I feel so pressured this day because 2 days to come it's our proposal defense and I did not finish the manuscript, huhuhu. My mind was occupied by our AR. I did not yet finalize my intervention. But I have to focus my work here in the classroom because I need to help my CT. After all, she was busy.  This day was reporting day. The students will continue their report in oral com. It's about principles in Speech delivery, and my CT ask me to rate the performance of the reporters individually and by the group. Also, she said that after the reporters discussed the topic I will have to input an idea about the topic that is why I study every topic of the reporters so that I have an idea about it. After the reporting, I don't have any work since my CT's second and third subjects are in research, and the students are already conducting their studies. That is why I asked my CT if I can wor

Field study 2

 Hi!, it is  5th day of my field study 2 at Magnaga National High School, I am not feeling well this day but I need to do my duty as a student teacher so that I will complete my 60 hours in field study 2. My work this day was just to continue validating the questionnaire of the grade 12 students. So I stayed again at my CT's table. It's made my head so much pain because some of the questionnaires need to rephrase. After a while my CT told me to go to HUMMS section because there will be an earthquake drill. I have to manage them. I finished validating 5 questionnaires on this day, and also rate them. At exactly 12o'clock I asked my CT that I have to log out. I came home with so much pain on my head. 

Field study 2

 Its the 4th day of my field study 2, It was a tiring day, I was so busy this day because I was validated the questionnaire of HUMMS 12 of their thesis. I checked the grammar of their questionnaire and also rephrase their sentence. It's given me a headache. But thanks to my CT because she is very generous. She gave me snacks because I did not go to the canteen to buy food since I was busy validating the questionnaires. I stayed the whole time of my FS in my CT's table checking the questionnaire and rating it. After validating the questionnaire of the students, I logged out at 12:20 AM.

Field study 2

 It's the third day of my FS 2 at Magnaga National High School, This day is different from yesterday. Why I can say that? Because I was so busy this day, not the same as yesterday that I just watched the retaker of the examination. In GAS 11, I am just rating the reporters since they started reporting on the topic given by Maam Canizares in Oral communication. The reporter was in group 2 because Group 1 is not yet ready which make ma'am Canizares angry, so they proceed to group 2. Their topic was all about Principles of speech delivery. But it's so sad because only the leader explained the whole topic because the members kept on reading their report that is why Maam Canizares get angry and she let them set and not continue their assigned topic. Only their leader continues explaining their part. After the GAS A, we went to the HUMMs section, the section was too crowded and have little space to move in their classroom. My CT assigned me to conduct a removal examination for th

Field study 2

 It's the second day of my field study 2, I am so excited because at this moment we are not going to observe only but instead, we are going to assess the teacher and participate in the class. So I will not feel bored at this time. That's why I came early to school before 7. As usual, I log in to the principal's office and went to my perspective classroom. Since my CT is not yet around, I told to the students to have their flag ceremony inside the classroom because they don't have a flag ceremony outside. I don't know why.☺ On this day my CT doesn't have a class discussion with her students because she let the students see their final grades. She calls the students one by one to come and see their final grades. It's so sad because many of them got low scores and the worst is others failed but Maam Canizares is very kind because they let those students retake the exam and comply with their lackings so that the grades will be changed and they will pass. Many of

Field Study 2

 Hi, I'm back !!! It's time for our field study 2. It's more on assisting and participation in the class. This is my first day in field study 2. Actually our first day was yesterday but I did not came to school at Magnaga National High School where I am assigned because I thought it  was still holiday because its Nov. 2.  I was so excited in my first day because I really miss acting like a real teacher,,charšŸ¤£.  My cooperating teacher is same with field study 1. It's Dr. Julieta Amor Canizares again.  I was arrived at school before 7:00 AM and directly went to the first period class of my CT, the GAS 11-A. The students greet me with full of respect. When my CT came, I greeted her and she smiles at me and said "welcome back" and offer her hand to me for shake hands. I feel so happy because I think she really like me as her ST. My CT said that there is a mass that will held in the school gym so all of the students and teachers are required to attend that mass ex