
Showing posts from September, 2022

Field study 1 daily journal

 Last day of my FS 1, I am so thankful that finally  I finished my field study 1 despite of so many obstacles and problems. I am thankful to those people who helped me to finished my journey in field study 1, and most specially to the Almighty God who gave me strength to do my duty as an observer. Since this day is our last day in Magnaga National High School we planned to give a thankful gift to our CT and also to the principal of the school. And we decided that we will give them a foods(snacks) instead of things. We contributed 20 pesos for the foods of the principal together with her assistant. And in our group in AR we decided to order pizza πŸ•πŸ•πŸ• for our CT. I put the pizza on the table of my CT together with a thankful note.When my CT saw the pizza in her table,she asked one of her student to take picture with me. I saw that she was really happy for my gift although it was just simple and not expensive but I know that she appreciates it. And I was so happy because she like the f

Field study 1, daily journal

 After my lunch break, I went directly to the first period subject of my CT in afternoon. It was the GAS section B. You know what, I was so disappointed of the students in this class because they don't know how to greet me, unlike to the morning class of my CT. Most of the students there greeted me when I enter their classroom, unlike this class. And also they are very noisy. I observed also that their classroom was not clean. They are just kept on talking and the boys are playing ML. That is why when my CT arrived, she got angry to the students because they have a role play on that time but they did not study or memorized their lines, instead they are just talking nonsense. So my CT told them to perform their role play and as I expected most of them did not memorized their lines. That is why they got low grade on their performance. In the second period of my CT, she told me to spend time to answer my book because she will go to the gym because there is an event and it needs her pr

Field study 1

So tired this day because I was spend whole day yesterday in the school, and this day I spend also 8 hours to observed because as you remember there was a day when I did not go to school, it was on Monday because I was sick that time, so I have to cope up those times so that I will complete the 60 hours with this week only because I don't want to come back next week since the other FS students will end their observation tomorrow. And I want to finish also my FS 1 by tomorrow.  As usual, even though I feel tired but still arrived school before 7 AM, Since it was one of the rules of our program head. After I log in to my DTR and to the office, I went to the classroom where I observed. I've seen the students cleaning their classroom. And they greeted me as I entered inside. Since my CT is not yet arrived, I answered my FS 1 book because I need to finished answering the whole books by next week and pass it to our program head. After a while, I told the students to do their daily ro

Field study 1

 You might be wondering why the date is still September 28. Yes, that's right September 28 because after lunch, I went back to my CT's table to ask her where classroom is her first period subject in the afternoon because we have to spend 8 hours in the school today since there was a day that we did not go to school. I think it was September 16. So, in order for us not to come back school next week, so we decided to have whole day observation this day. Because in FS 1 one, we have to complete the required time which is 60 hours.  This afternoon, it's my first day in another classroom. Since they did not know me already, my CT introduce me to them. They are the GAS section B. The classroom was also crowded like the others. It looks like the space was too small for them. Their population is about 50 plus. Although they have ceiling fan but it's not enough to ventilate the whole classroom. I really feel hot there and my face was sweating. My CT group the students and each g

Field study 1

 It's Day eleven of my observation, I'm so excited this day because 3 days to go, I will finish my FS 1. And I feel motivated to wake up early despite of having sickness last Monday. I came to school early because my CT said yesterday that there are still students who will defend their title in practical research, and I am one of the panelists.   At 8 AM the defense was started. There are 5 groups that will defend their title. It was the HUMMS section. But after a while the agriculture students arrived together with their adviser because they are going to defend also their title in AR. So, there are 10 groups who will defend their title. But you know what I feel that I am not deserved to be one of the panels because last week our Action research was pending. But actually, Practical research and Action research are different because in AR, the researchers will give an intervention to the problem. But still thankful to my Cooperating teacher because she let me experience being a

Field study 1

It's tenth day of my observation, You might be wondering why I wasn't come to school yesterday for my FS1. I was sick and I can't be able to go to school because I was suffering from headache and muscle pain, that is why I asked to our little principal that I can't come to school, and she told me to bring excuse letter today. Until now I'm still sick. I have a cold and cough but thanks God because the headache and muscle pain was gone, so although I have cough and cold, but I need to come early at school.  I log in before 7 AM, and directly went to the classroom. Since my CT is not still arrived, I open my FS 1 book and write my observation. When my CT arrived, I greeted her and also the students. She started her discussion, and I was just setting at the back while observing her teaching strategies and also how the students interact with her. After her class in GAS section, she told me that I am one of the panelists for the title defense of the HUMMS section and the

Field study 1

My nineth day in my FS 1, I'm so excited this day with having mix of nervous. Excited because its Friday 😁 and tomorrow is Saturday. So that means, we don't need to go to school tomorrow, and I can visit my children there in my mother because I really miss them. They gave me strength to wake up early this day and go to school early too. Nervous because it's our title defense for our Action research. As usual, I arrived at school early and log in, then went to my 1st period class observation. On this day my CT did not have her regular class in the GAS section, instead she let the students play with traditional game like Takyan, chinese garter, and jackstone. I am their scorer in every game. I saw the students having a lot of fun and I was really impressed with my Ct because she was not just having class discussion always, she gave the children a chance to enjoy themselves. After the GAS section, My CT asked me to go in the HUMMS class and told them to just make their resear

Field study 1

 My Eight day in Magnaga National High School, Even though I don't want to wake up early anymore but it's really necessary because I want to finish my study and I should follow the rules to come early at the school. I came to school before 7 AM. After logging in, I went straight to the classroom where I was assigned. At exactly 7o'clock I asked the students to have their flag ceremony inside the classroom as what their teacher told me. When my CT arrived, she ordered me to encode her students' scores on the quizzes on her laptop and even though I was just there for an observation, I did not hesitate to follow her order.  In this day, I was not able to observe in the classroom because I spent half a day encoding the scores of the students. But its Ok with me because at least I helped my CT because she was really busy. After encoding, I waited for my CT since it was already 11:30 AM so I just waited for her to return to her table so I could let her sign my DTR.  When my C

Field study 1

 MY seventh day of my field study 1, I feel sick this morning when I wake up, I really want to still lay on my bed, but I have to get up and prepare foods for my son and for me so that we can come to school early. As usual, I arrived at school before 7 and log in to my DTR. After that, I went to the GAS classroom. While entering the classroom, the students greet me "Good morning, Ma'am" like they greet me as their real teacher, and it really touches my heart.  As usual, After the class in GAS section, I followed my CT to the crowded classroom😫😫, the HUMMS strand and observed there. My CT discussed them about research and gave an oral recitation after the discussion. In the third period, I followed her in the ABM section and observed again. Same with the HUMMS section, my CT discussed and have an oral recitation after.  In the last period, Same with yesterday, I set in in another classroom to observed other teacher the way they teach and also the classroom and the studen

Fiel study 1

 My sixth day at Magnaga National High School, It was a tiring day because I don't have proper sleep last night because of making our action research, since our title defense will be this coming Friday. But of course, I need to arrive at school before 7 AM. So, I wake up early and come to school early too. Since it was Tuesday so there is no flag ceremony in the ground. After logging in to my DTR I directly went to my CT's first period subject. While waiting the teacher, I answered my field study 1 book based on my observation. When she's arrived, the students including me greet her. I observed my CT the way she taught to the students. I had really impressed her since the beginning of my observation because she had lots of activity implemented in the classroom which is the students did not feel bored on her subject. She grouped the students on the picture. After the GAS section, I followed her in the HUMMS section, the classroom where I feel so hot because of so crowded.  M

Field study 1

My fifth day in my Fiel study 1, I'm so excited to go to school again where I am destined for my Field study 1. I wake up early in the morning so that i will arrived early at Magnaga National High School. Since it was Monday so there is flag ceremony, and we have to attend. After that, I went to the classroom where my CT taught there her first period subject, the GAS 11. My CT arrived the classroom after a while.  After the GAS section, we proceed to the second period subject of my CT, the HUMMS section where she taught about practical research. I was really feeling hot in this classroom because it was so crowded. The students were noisy. But of course, I have to attend this class and observed how the teacher deal with them all. The third period was the ABM. It was refreshing this classroom since the population is just little. And i really like the students here. They are approachable and respectful. Since the last period of my CT was modular so I ask her that I will observe outsid

Field study 1

 My fourth day in Magnaga National High School, It was Thursday, and it was tiring day πŸ˜”πŸ˜”. My God! Contrary to the first day when I was very excited but now, I am very tired. It's only been four days but its already tiring. I wake up early in the morning because I also have a child to take care who is also studying in Magnaga Elementary School. I really feel bad this day. I have a headache, but I need to go to school because I don't want to absent my FS. Even though I am not in a good condition this day, but I still try my best to arrive at school early. Same yesterday and the other day, I arrived at school before 7 AM and I log in my DTR and went to my respective classroom and observed the class. After that, just like my daily routine I followed my CT to another classroom. While observing, my head was really pain. I take pain reliever but still not feeling well. I feel like I have a fever πŸ˜“, but I need to log out by 12 noon, so I have to relax myself.  After my FS time, i c

Field study 1

My third day in Magnaga National High School, Its Wednesday, so it was wash day! πŸ˜ƒ. WAS day it means we are not going to wear our school uniformπŸ˜ƒ. We can wear our OOTD of the dayπŸ˜…. No, I'm just kidding, of course we are going to wear a formal attire since we will be a future educator someday and we are entering in the school. so of course, I wear my formal dress in this day. As usual, I arrived at school before 7o'clock and log in my DTR. After that I directly went to my first period classroom where I observed. My CT is arrived 7:40 in the classroom. While my CT is discussing, I observed how the students interact with her and how the teacher deal with them. despite of so many students in the classroom, the students can really participate because she kept on doing oral recitation and she really called their names. Same with yesterday, I followed her in HUMMS classroom, but she said that she will not going to have a class since it was RD for the HUMMS section and the ABM. RD m

Field study 1

 My second day in Magnaga national High School, Same as yesterday, I wake up early in the morning and arrived at school before 7o'clock as what sir Asirit and sir Mharfe said. And then our little principal gave us the DTR to let us sign in. After that, I went to the GAS classroom where my CT taught there in the first period. Since the first period will start at 7:30 AM so my CT is not yet around. The students were very respectful. They greet me like how they greet their teacher, and I was very thankful because the way they treat me is just like I'm a teacher although I am there for observation only.  After the class of my CT in GAS section, she went to another classroom for her second period. It was 8:30-9:30 AM and I followed her so that I can observed another classroom because I need to find a problem of the students that need an intervention for our action research. The more classroom I observed, the more problem i will encountered. It was the HUMMS section. Just like the GA

Field study 1

  My first day in Magnaga National High School was very exciting. I wake up early in the morning and arrived at school 6:30 AM. The class observation started at 9:30 AM because the assistant of the principal disseminates us in our cooperating teacher. My cooperating teacher is Maam Julieta Amor Canizares. She is an English major and teaching senior high school students. She is very nice teacher.  In this day, I observed the Grade 12- ABM classroom since my CT was their teacher in practical research. Maam Julieta introduced me to her students nicely, but after a while I was shocked because my CT announced to the students that I am one of their panels  in title defense. I can't imagine that on my first day of field study I will be a panel for research defense. But thank God because the title defense was rescheduled for tomorrow because the students did not prepare their PPT since their teacher forget to inform them that they need to  prepare a PPT. Since the last period of my CT was